Maps and Charts

Fishing Rules
A NJ State Fishing license is required for all persons 16 to 69 years old.
To purchase a license click here.
Largemouth Bass are Catch & Release only.
We recommend that all live bait (excluding worms) be purchased from Stokes Sports Shop. Stokes bait is certified which will prevent the spread of disease in the lake.
Do not put any fish in the lake that did not come from the lake.
All fishing poles must be attended by an angler.
Do not remove tags from fish.
Catch Limits:
Pickerel = 5/day, min length of 15"
Crappie = 10/day, min length of 8"
Catfish = 5/day, min length of 12"
Striped Bass = 2/day, min length of 16"
Perch = 10/day, any size
Sunfish = 25/day, any size

Fish Disease
These steps will help stop the spread of fish diseases
Never transport fish from one body of water to another unless legally stocking fish from a certified disease-free hatchery.
Never release bait from one body of water to another.
Do not dispose of fish carcasses in any body of water.
Remove all mud, aquatic plants, and other matter from all gear, boats, motors, and trailers when leaving a body of water.
Viruses need moisture to survive. Dry your boat as best as possible before launching. If possible, let the boat sit on the trailer for up to one week before putting it in a new body of water.
Between water bodies, wash boat hulls, motors, and trailers, and drain water from bilges and live wells. Sanitize live wells where bait and fish had been kept. Use a mix of two tablespoons or one ounce of unscented bleach per gallon of water. Plug your live well and use bleach solution to fill it. Let the solution sit for at least two minutes before emptying tanks, and then rinse with fresh water. DO THIS AS FAR AWAY FROM ANY BODY OF WATER. BLEACH IS TOXIC TO FISH! Always make fresh solutions of water and bleach since they lose their potency when stored.
Inform your friends about the threat and what to do. Education is key.
Inform Fish and Wildlife of any unusual fish kills or obviously diseased fish you encounter.

Weigh-In Station Information
Look for the flag on the left which designates where you can take fish for weighing.
B20 Roman
C20 Batastini
E21 Earle
G22 Hope
H27 Putera
I08 Sandomeno
J05 O’Connor
Buddy Bass Contest Rules
LOCA Buddy Bass Fishing Tournament | FISHING CLUB CHAIRMAN Ray Earle (E-21) 973/948-6237
Lake Owassa’s Fishing Club launched its 1st Annual Buddy Bass Fishing Tournament on June 30, 2007. It is a fund raiser for the Fishing Club. There will be only 2 fishermen per boat; however, more than 1 boat can be entered by a LOCA resident in the event their friends would like to participate. Only LOCA registered boats are allowed.
Listed below are the rules and details of this event:
Only largemouth and smallmouth bass over 12 inches will be eligible.
Only 2 fishermen per boat.
Entry fee per boat is $ 20.00 (only LOCA registered boats are allowed).
The "total weight" of a maximum of 5 fish per boat will determine 1st place.
Only bring 5 fish to the weigh-station docks C19 and C20, Lipari and Batastini.
Each boat must have a way of keeping fish alive (e.g., live aerated wells, large coolers – aerated if possible). Legal size fish can also be taken to a boat weigh-station located in the center of the lake where fish will be weighed, recorded for your boat, and then released.
Any fish that are dead will result in a 4 oz. deduction and cannot be substituted with another fish.
Call the boat weigh-station at 973-570-3786 if you want your fish weighed in the event you cannot keep your fish alive.
Boats that wish to enter will meet in the center of the lake at 8:15am. There will be a boat there where you can register and pay your entry fee. The tournament will start as soon as all registrations have been completed.
Boats that wish to enter will meet in the center of the lake at 8:15am. There will be a boat there where you can register and pay your entry fee. The tournament will start as soon as all registrations have been completed.
The tournament will end at 1:15pm.
The boat weigh-station in the center of the lake will change its location at 12:45pm to weigh-station docks C19 and C20 where final weigh-ins will take place and the winners are determined.
LOCA outboard speed regulations are in effect so move to your fishing locations using the proper speed. After 1:00 pm you can return to the final weigh-in station at full speed.
Only artificial lures are allowed (no live bait fishing).
All standard safety equipment is required for your boat.
It is your responsibility to use common sense and be responsible for your safety as well as others.
1st prize will be a Trophy Plaque where your names, area number, and total weight of your catch will be listed. The plaque will be held by you for one year so you can display it in your home. It must be returned the following summer so other winners can be added.
There will also be a separate "lunker" trophy for the single largest fish (by weight) which will be awarded to the person who caught it.
The Fishing Club encourages participants to release the fish you catch on this day, however, you may keep them if you want.
All participants are encouraged to start and end on time. Late registration will only reduce your fishing time. Final weigh-in requires all boats to be at the weigh-in docks no later than 1:15 pm.
LOCA Fishing Lessons

Club Award Winners
Laurily Merzatta 4 lbs. 15 ozs. - 1st Place
Kira Baeli 4 lbs. 8 ozs. - 2nd Place
Owen Parreno 3 lbs. 4 ozs. - 3rd Place
Briella Parreno 2 lbs. 12 ozs.
Andy Parreno 1 lb. 8 ozs.
Karena Putera 1 lb. 7 ozs.
Laurily Merzatta
1st Place
Kira Baeli
2nd Place
Owen Parreno
2rd Place
